Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011.

Happy Spring!!!!!
Is there sunshine in your soul today? :) Hehehe. There isn't sunshine here today. It is very foggy, but it is warming up a little bit. It's funny because now when it is about 10 degrees C, it feels like we should be wearing short-sleeved shirts. It's nice not to have to scrape the windows of the car. This was an interesting week. It doesn't seem like much happened, but it was still a fun week. Our two investigators, Kelly and Paige, were MIA. We couldn't get ahold of either of them all week, so we didn't teach them. We will continue to try to call and drop by. I don't know where Paige is, but Kelly had a death in the family, so she doesn't really want to talk to anyone right now. We'll see what happens.
Last night we had a mission president's fireside and President Brower spoke. It was so great. All of the missionaries sang the EFY medley "As Sisters In Zion/Army of Helaman" at the end. Before President Brower spoke, I sang a duet with an Elder in my district. It was really great. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I have had to invite the Spirit through music on my mission. I want to continue to do so for the rest of my life (and eternity for that matter :D).
My companions and I were at the church next to the temple and we saw lots of people at the temple. Figuring it was a wedding, of course we drove over there to check it out (we're sisters, what do you expect? :D). In driving up to the temple, I gasped as I saw some of my favorite people ever - The Jenners from North Bay! It was so good to see them again! I love them all.
I read a great talk this morning called "O Ye That Embark" by President Henry B. Eyring from October 2008 General Conference. He says: "The more faithful service you give, the more the Lord asks of you...He increases our power to carry the heavier load...For Him to give you that increased power, you must go in service and faith to your outer limits." Sometimes we think that we will be able to rest from our callings someday. "When I'm not on a mission, I won't be as stressed out." "When I'm done with school, I will have a lot more time to do the things I want to do." Anyone who had gone through these two examples would disagree with both statements! That is the great thing about the "Lord's rest." The Lord's rest is not rest at all! Yes, it is rest from your troubles and sorrow. But when we are in the Lord's rest, we are VERY busy. There is much work to do in this life and the next. We do not rest from scripture study, prayer, church, or being obedient to His commandments. We do not take breaks from things necessary for our salvation. As President Eyring says "We will find joy in going wherever the Lord would have us serve." How grateful I am for the Lord's Church, which helps us to become who Father knows we can become. We have the opportunity to do the Lord's work so that we can truly be in the Lord's rest! Incredible :)
This week I am looking forward to traveling to Barrie (about 1 1/2 hours away) to go to specialized training with the Brampton and Barrie zones. This is like the Leadership Training I have had in the past, but a smaller group. I'm excited. Have a wonderful week and enjoy spring! I love you all so much!
Sister Barton :)

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