Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011.

Good Morning!

What a great week! I don't know where to begin. I will begin with talking about my investigators. We taught Paige twice this week. She is progressing well, but we still don't have her set for baptism. She is reading the Book of Mormon consistently now and learning a lot. We have a new investigator, named Kelly, who we started teaching this week. She came to church with her recent convert brother Chris last Sunday and that is where we met her. We have taught her twice and she came to Stake Conference yesterday. She is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In her second lesson, she opened up a bit more and it was amazing. She told us that after we left the first time, she tried praying. Not believing in God, this was quite strange to her. She said that she just felt good and kept saying "God is God." We watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with her during our second lesson and she said that she felt really good while watching it. Sister Worley sat with Kelly at Stake Conference and Kelly said that she feels that this is true! It is so incredible to watch someone gain a testimony of truth through the Holy Ghost instead of trying to do it through intillect. Kelly is set for baptism on April 10th! We are really excited to teach her tomorrow night.

You will see some pictures here of our little present for President Brower. We saw this tie in the dollar store and knew that we had to buy it for President Brower. He laughed so hard when we gave it to him and promised to wear it on Thursday for the Leadership Conference in Kitchener. I am really excited.

Stake Conference was so incredible this weekend. The theme was Mosiah 4:16, about succoring (helping) those who stand in need of succor. There were wonderful talks about helping lift those in need. Here was one of my favorite things that was said by a recently returned missionary: "In the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ paved the path to happiness; if you are not happy, what path are you on?" I also loved a talk given by Sister Barber, the Stake Patriarch's wife. She spoke about temples and said that "we need to find our way back to the temple so that we can find our way back to God." I had many insights from the Spirit, one during a talk by Sister Dalziel. She spoke about how President Monson called for senior couple missionaries over five times in the last six months. Honestly, I never really wanted to go on a senior couple mission because I didn't want to leave my family and grandkids. For the first time ever, I can say that I will serve a mission later in my life. The sacrifice of doing so is small compared to the blessings received for my posterity and myself. I love the senior missionaries in my mission so much. They are all incredible examples and are so strong. There is no better way to live than in the service of my Father :)

I will leave you all with an amazing quote. I don't know if I've shared it before, but it is one of my favorites. Heber J. Grant said "The unbelief of all the world cannot change a truth." This is especially true on a mission. Truth is unchanging. It is constant. The truth is that there is a God. He loves us. His Son, Jesus Christ died for us. He is the way. "He is the Light and the Life of the world; yeah, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death" (Mosiah 16:9). I love my Savior. Thank you for your testimonies and being the wonderful people that you are! Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!!

Sister Barton

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