Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011.

Happy Victoria Day,
I couldn't e-mail yesterday due to a holiday here. I had half of a p-day where I was very busy. My mind is quite flustered right now and I don't even know where to begin writing. I don't remember what has happened this week because the most current events have flooded my mind. Transfer calls were Sunday night. My predictions were either that Sister Cheng would stay with me or another sister who is now serving in London would come to Burlington. Boy was I way off! I got the most shocking phone call of my whole mission. I have been assigned to TRAIN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems as if I was just in the mission home with Sister Brack the day she got here and last night I was there with Sister Yi. Sister Yi is from MAINLAND CHINA! To have a sister from mainland China is very rare and very special. I don't fully understand why Heavenly Father has so much trust in me :) There are many other sisters who have not trained yet, but Heavenly Father and President know that Sister Yi and I need to be together. This will be a very fun, unique experience for both of us! I have much to learn. She doesn't speak much English and was in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) for nine weeks learning English there. We will now be having language study in the morning. She is very sweet, cute, and fun! I am already exhausted from trying to understand her and talk to her simply today. It has been great and I know we will be great friends! I am very excited to watch her grow and to serve her. She means a lot to the Lord and she already means a lot to me. Sister Cheng will be serving in a triple in Kitchener and working with young single adults, where the majority of the university students are asian! I'm happy for her and know she will grow so much.
That news kind of takes the cake. I don't even remember what else happened this week. Oh yes, I went on sister travels this week. Sister Hodgkin came here to Burlington on Thursday night and Sister Cheng went to London. We each worked in our areas for the day on Friday. I absolutely loved working with Sister Hodgkin. She is a lot like Sister Evanson and we got along really well. We have lots of fun together. I don't know if we will ever have the opportunity to be companions, so I am grateful for the time I was able to spend with her.
Sister Cheng and I got a new investigator on Saturday!!!!! Her name is Tami and she is so amazing. We met her while tracting on May 7th, but couldn't meet with her until this past Saturday. She had cancelled our first appointment due to the family being sick. I honestly did not think she was even interested until we had our lesson with her. She had her husband take her two daughters out to run some errands so she could focus on the message. We taught her about the Restoration and as I told her of Joseph Smith's vision in his own words, she began to cry. I asked her how she felt and she said she felt an overwhelming feeling of the Spirit! My heart was full. She said that we came at just the right time in her life. She said she would read the Book of Mormon, pray to know if the message we shared is true, come to church, and eventually be baptized. I pray for her each day and know that we were guided to her.
Sister Yi and I will teach Andris tonight for his second lesson. It will be a good experience for Sister Yi. I am not sure how much Andris is progressing. He is reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church, but I'm not quite sure where his desires are. We will extend a baptismal date commitment today and just "let the Holy Spirit Guide" :).
Hmm...I know much more has happened, but I cannot remember for now :) I have a lot of things filling up my brain! I will catch up on missed experiences next week! I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each one of us. This church is indeed the Church of Jesus Christ in these the latter days! Christ is our Savior and He is the ONLY way to true joy, a fullness of joy. I love you all and pray that you have a wonderful week. Serve others, count your blessings, and find joy in each moment, for they pass far too quickly!
All my love,
Sister Barton :)

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