Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 31, 2011.

Happy Halloween!!!!
What a great day to be a missionary hehe. The day was started off with a zone meeting in Belleville where Sister Braithwaite and I wore our cute witch costumes (of course we didn't wear the hats for the meeting!).

We have to be in by 6:00 tonight so we are busy, busy today. It doesn't seem that there is much to update from the week. We aren't really teaching Mike at the moment because he is struggling to quit smoking and to have the desire to quit. He seems to want to contact us when he is interested, which is what he told us, but at the same time he feels like we have ditched him. I don't know what he wants us to do. We still invited him to church, and although he declined, he did ask for a chapter he should read in the Book of Mormon. We'll see what happens with him in the next few weeks. We had a great lesson with a member about the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and the guidance Heavenly Father gives me each day. Often times I think He would give me more direction if I would but seek it from Him. I forget to do that sometimes!
Much of our week was consumed in getting ready for the branch Halloween party. A lot of the load was put on one member in the branch, so we gave her assistance in brainstorming ideas. Sister Braithwaite and I made a game called "Freaky Fishing" where kids could "fish" for candy and odd items. We decorated a cute board and put Halloween pictures on it (pumpkins, Frankensteins, witch hats, ghosts, dry leaves), found some sticks outside (we're missionaries...we can't buy real fishing poles!), tied strings and clothes pegs to them, and the kids "fished" away. It was fun. I actually spent much of the night in the haunted house we made out of the young women's room. It was really cute. I was a witch and I think I was a little too scary for some of the kids because they wouldn't feel the "guts" and "eyeballs" on the table next to me (gummy worms in a little water and grapes with the skins peeled off). It was fun.
Church was great yesterday. I sang in Sacrament Meeting and felt so good after. Heavenly Father has blessed EACH of us with talents, whether we think they are great or small, and the more we work at improving them, the more help we receive. I am so grateful for good music, which has changed my whole life. I don't know who or where I would be without it. We taught Gospel Principles and did a lesson on Missionary Work. We didn't prepare because we were told we were teaching when we got to church, but the lesson went really well. We stood up and decided we would just read the manual together, but it was amazing how the Spirit worked through us to guide the lesson with little use of the manual. I hope I can continue to teach throughout my life.
I love you all and hope you are having a great week. You mean so much to me. Keep being the best "you's" you can be :)
Sister Barton

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